Getting started

Learn how to get started.

  1. Optional: Create a land /lands create <name>

  2. Optional: Enter the selection mode /lands selection or use the selection tool, if provided by the server.

  3. Optional: Select both corners of the area you want to claim Use left and right click to do so.

  4. Use /lands claim to claim the area If no selection made, it will claim the chunk you're standing on. If no land has been created before, it will automatically create a land with your name. /lands claim

  5. Open the lands menu to manage your land /lands menu

  6. To use the commands for a different land Execute /lands edit <land> All following commands will be executed for this land.

Select a Land for Editing

Execute /lands edit <land> Allow following commands will be executed for this land.

Trust Players

Execute /lands trust <player> [area or * for whole land] Alternatively, open your land menu and go to players and click on the 'Trust Player' button.

Untrust Players

Execute /lands untrust <player> [area or * for whole land] Alternatively, open your land menu and go to players and click on the 'Untrust Player' button.

Toggle Permissions for Players

  1. Open your lands menu by executing /lands

  2. Click on the roles item

  3. Open the role settings menu

  4. Configure the settings to your liking

Promote / Demote Players

  1. Open your lands menu by executing /lands

  2. Click on the player's item

  3. Use left click to promote and right click to demote them

Last updated